US Law Firms & Lawyers » Bankruptcy & Debt Law » Virginia
At, we provide comprehensive information about Bankruptcy & Debt Law lawyers in Virginia. We verify that all lawyers listed in this category are local to Virginia, which means they are more familiar with local judges, court procedures, and opposing lawyers. This local knowledge can have a positive impact on the efficiency and success of your legal matter.
If you are in need of Bankruptcy & Debt Law lawyers, be sure to check out our directory and find local lawyers in Virginia today!
Our attorneys help people file for Bankruptcy under the Bankruptcy Code. We offer free consultations with an experienced bankruptcy attorney to determine whether or not bankruptcy is right for you.
Lynchburg, Virginia 434-845-2600 Website
The attorneys at John W. Lee, PC have over 70 years combined experience helping the people of Hampton Roads file for bankruptcy. In addition to bankruptcy, we handle matters that include family law, child custody, criminal defense, DUI, estate planning.
Hampton, Virginia 757-896-0868 Website