According to the 2014 Illinois DUI Fact Book, a driver with a blood alcohol content of .08 is 11 times more likely to be killed in a car crash than one who is sober, but even buzzed drivers exhibit slower reaction time and impaired coordination after just one drink. In 2022, 32% percent of all traffic fatalities in the United States were alcohol-related, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
 After a car accident most of the attention is focused on the drivers. However, passengers that have been hurt may also be entitled to receive compensation, even if they were riding in the car found to be liable for the accident. Just as if you were the driver, take care to document as much of the accident as possible and avoid giving statements to any insurance representatives. As a passenger you have available to you more options after an accident.
 Car crashes remain a leading cause of death for children under 14, with 1,129 fatalities in 2022, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s Traffic Safety Facts. This marked a 6% decrease from 2021. Additionally, an estimated 156,502 children were injured in traffic crashes that year, averaging three fatalities and 429 injuries per day. Of the 25,420 passenger vehicle occupants killed, 756 were children, highlighting the ongoing risks young passengers face on the road.
 Most states have laws that restrict drivers from using a cellphone, sending and reading text messages, and using certain electronic devices while operating a vehicle. Some states also have general distracted driving laws that prohibit motorists from doing anything that's particularly distracting while operating a vehicle. Here are some of the more common features оf distracted driving laws and the penalties you might face if you're convicted of a violation.
 The fast pace of many people’s lives is picking up even more speed, forcing them to sacrifice needed sleep. Functioning on little sleep can become a way of life, and many people may not think twice about driving when tired. However, drowsy driving can cause drivers to be unable to concentrate on their driving or worse, fall asleep behind the wheel. This can cause the victims to suffer catastrophic injuries or die and puts your family and you at risk of being hurt in one of these accidents.
 According to the CDC, a pedestrian died in a car accident in the United States every 66 minutes in 2021. That amounts to a tragic 8,000 for the entire year. The CDC notes that pedestrians are about 1.5 times more likely to die in car accidents than vehicle occupants. This makes sense, considering vehicle occupants are protected by the car and possibly car features such as seat belts. While accidents involving pedestrians may not always be fatal, their impacts can be severe and life-changing.
 A train accident can lead to substantial injuries and damage. With the high number of railroad crossings and tracks in the US, it is vital to realize how obstructed views and other factors can lead to collisions or accidents between trains and vehicle drivers.
 According to a fact sheet published by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, as of 2015, every 7.5 minutes, a pedestrian is injured in a traffic accident. Additionally, the agency reports that in the United States, traffic accidents involving pedestrians have been increasing since 2009. Unfortunately, when a pedestrian is injured in a traffic accident, rarely is he or she the sole victim. In many cases, the victim’s family will also be affected in a variety of different ways.
 Transportation accidents can be devastating, leading to serious injuries, property damage, and even fatalities. When involved in a transportation accident, the physical and emotional consequences can be overwhelming, leaving injured parties and their families feeling lost, alone, and unsure of what to do next.
 Being involved in a car accident is stressful, but knowing the right steps to take can make all the difference. This article outlines the steps to protect your well-being, preserve important information, and secure the best possible outcome, including when to involve a car accident attorney to handle your case.
 You’ve been using a rideshare service like Uber or Lyft to get around town. While you felt safe in these cars in the past, you recently got into a car accident in your rideshare and were injured. Now, you’re rattled. You have to not only go in for treatment, but you have to cut back on using rideshares because you’re paying to take care of your injuries instead. Or, maybe you’re too scared to get back into an Uber or Lyft after what happened.
 If you are stopped by the police, you can take steps to handle it properly and possibly avoid a routine stop escalating into an arrest. This could also help you if you need to challenge a ticket, DUI arrest, or an arrest for other crimes.
Car accident cases often settle before the trial it, but it takes weeks, months, and years to do so. When you get into an accident, you are supposed to stay at the scene while you call the cops. If you fail to collect crucial evidence, it will be hard to use the photographic and video evidence as to who was at fault.
 In areas like Nevada, known for having high winds, road closures due to overturned tractor trailers and other high-profile vehicles are increasingly commonplace. These tips will help you avoid a truck accident. Wind And Trucks Tractor Trailer Truck Accident after High Winds- NevadaWindy conditions can be dangerous no matter what you drive, but the high narrow profile of a tractor-trailer, RV, or even large SUV makes these vehicles particularly susceptible to windy conditions.