US Law Firms & Lawyers » Business & Industry Law » Massachusetts
At, we provide comprehensive information about Business & Industry Law lawyers in Massachusetts. We verify that all lawyers listed in this category are local to Massachusetts, which means they are more familiar with local judges, court procedures, and opposing lawyers. This local knowledge can have a positive impact on the efficiency and success of your legal matter.
If you are in need of Business & Industry Law lawyers, be sure to check out our directory and find local lawyers in Massachusetts today!
Daniel J. Larson is a Massachusetts attorney who focuses on business transactions, intellectual property protection, and civil litigation.
Boston, Massachusetts 617-932-6169 Website
The Katz Law Group, P.C. is a Massachusetts litigation boutique law firm that represents the interests of local, regional and national corporations in their capacities as insurers, employers and creditors.
Westborough, Massachusetts 508-439-4921 Website
With a strong focus on developing relationships with our clients and building a connection with our community the firm grew throughout the South Shore and surrounding areas.
Hanover, Massachusetts 800-466-3130 Website
In Boston and New Bedford, George Leontire and the team at Leontire & Associates, P.C. have years of litigation experience backed by a record of success in some of the highest profile cases in recent history.
Boston, Massachusetts 617-221-7161 Website
We emphasize preventive law to maximize business results through the appropriate use of professional talent. We pride ourselves on prompt and responsive customer service that gets the job done.
Springfield, Massachusetts 413-272-2000 Website