US Law Firms & Lawyers » Criminal Law » Massachusetts
At, we provide comprehensive information about Criminal Law lawyers in Massachusetts. We verify that all lawyers listed in this category are local to Massachusetts, which means they are more familiar with local judges, court procedures, and opposing lawyers. This local knowledge can have a positive impact on the efficiency and success of your legal matter.
If you are in need of Criminal Law lawyers, be sure to check out our directory and find local lawyers in Massachusetts today!
Attorney Anthony M. Salerno in The Law Office of Anthony M. Salerno represents individuals in verity of complex legal areas. The key practice areas are drunk driving, domestic violence, drug offenses, white collar crime, sexual assault and the like.
Worcester, Massachusetts (508) 795-1200 Website
Michael Bowser is licensed and located in Massachusetts and New Hampshire, and is the personal injury, DWI, OUI, DUI, and criminal case attorney you can trust.
Chelmsford, Massachusetts 888-526-9737 Website
Brad Bailey is a nationally known Boston-based criminal defense lawyer who is highly respected, and well-known in his profession throughout Massachusetts, the New England region and elsewhere in the United States.
Boston, Massachusetts 781-589-2828 Website
Attorneys at the law firm, Doran & Doran, P.C. expertly solves the legal issues of DUI, criminal defense, drug crimes, sex crimes, domestic violence, and expungement in the areas of Natick, Massachusetts.
Natick, Massachusetts (508) 653-1761 Website
For more than 22 years, Attorney Lebensbaum has represented clients across Massachusetts in his Merrimack Valley private practice.
Andover, Massachusetts (978) 749-3606 Website
Massachusetts criminal attorney Patrick Donovan represents people charged with both felony and misdemeanor crimes in Massachusetts.
Quincy, Massachusetts 617-479-1800 Website
In Boston and New Bedford, George Leontire and the team at Leontire & Associates, P.C. have years of litigation experience backed by a record of success in some of the highest profile cases in recent history.
Boston, Massachusetts 617-221-7161 Website
At Sahady Associates, we are dedicated to the zealous representation of our Massachusetts clients in most areas of the law.
Fall River, Massachusetts (508) 674-9444 Website
Steven J. Topazio has been protecting clients for over 28 years and has the experience and know-how you need to confront law enforcement and the power of the Commonwealth, to alter the course of your case for the best possible results.
Boston, Massachusetts 617-422-5803 Website