Description Given the massive amount of healthcare claims submitted to the government, the government cannot possibly root out all of the fraud by itself. This is why courageous whistleblowers, with help from a healthcare fraud attorney, have been the driving force behind the government’s successful prosecution of healthcare fraud.

In the 2019 fiscal year, $2.1 billion of the $2.6 billion recouped in healthcare industry matters were the result of False Claims Act cases filed by whistleblowers, primarily identifying Medicare fraud. Although a lot of the focus is on Medicare and Medicaid, whistleblowers with an Atlanta healthcare fraud attorney can bring False Claims Act suits for all government-funded healthcare programs, including the TRICARE (military), Federal Employee Healthcare Benefits, and Veterans Administration programs.

For more information about our legal services, contact a healthcare fraud attorney today.
Address 3355 Lenox Road, Ste. 660
United States of America
Phone number 770-988-5035
Practice areas Health Care and Social Law
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Added 09:13:2021

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