Description Cairns Law, P.A. prides itself on its focus towards resolution, rather than the conflict. It is a paradox that the law propels people into bitter conflict in an effort to reconcile difference during a separation or parental conflict. Cairns Law, P.A. advises clients as to the possible solutions and the risks involved in each case.

While the focus at Cairns Law, P.A. is an amicable solution that allows for lessened conflict in the future, the attorneys at Cairns Law, P.A. have significant litigation experience to assure complete and competent representation through the entire legal process.
Address 801 West Bay Drive, Suite 713
United States of America
Phone number 727-683-1472
Fax number 727-489-1058
Practice areas Family Law
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5/5 based on 1 vote.
Listing views 180 listing views.
Added 05:28:2018

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Latitude: 27.91518
Longitude: -82.796986

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