Description The law office of Debt Advisors, S.C. specializes in bankruptcy and debt management laws under chapters seven and 13. It deals in a wide range of credit card debt, medical bills, and home mortgage payments issues. The firm handles various store cards and deficiency balances on surrendered vehicles and real estate falling under chapter 7.

In addition, it offers repairs credit reports and also files motions against bank account and vehicle seizure issues.
Address 2222 North Mayfair Road, Suite 150
United States of America
Phone number (414) 755-2400
Fax number (414) 257-0172
Practice areas Bankruptcy and Debt Law
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5/5 based on 1 vote.
Listing views 139 listing views.
Added 12:21:2010

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Latitude: 43.0587839
Longitude: -88.0473491

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