Description Our firm, DeLong, Caldwell, Bridgers, Fitzpatrick, & Benjamin, LLC, handles employment and labor cases exclusively. We dedicate all of our time, resources and experience to represent hard-working people, like you, who keep this nation going, day in and day out.

With almost 100 years of combined experience advocating for employees, our lawyers, well versed in the intricacies of employment rights and contract law, can provide you with effective counsel to recover the wages you are owed and improve your workplace conditions.
Address 101 Marietta St #3100
United States of America
Phone number (470) 443-0524
Fax number (404) 979-3170
Practice areas Employment Law
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Added 06:05:2015

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Latitude: 33.7568927
Longitude: -84.39215209999998

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