Description Birmingham attorneys for personal injury, probate and will contesting cases.

In our probate, wills, estates, personal injury areas of practice, it is our mission to help you achieve your goals and to provide compassionate service during the process.

We are experienced in these practice areas, and this site is provided for your use to get background information on important questions to you regarding your Will, a Will for a family member, how Wills are probated, how you handle a loved ones' affairs if they died without a Will, how you handle an estate if you live out-of-town and your family member died with property in Alabama, how to obtain a conservatorship or guardianship for a family member, what an Advance Directive is, Powers of Attorney and even wrongful death suits and other personal injury matters.
Address 130 Inverness Plaza, #382
United States of America
Phone number 205-991-5600
Practice areas Estate Planning and Probate, Personal Injury
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Added 05:29:2011

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Latitude: 33.4197512
Longitude: -86.6975511

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