Description We can handle your Maryland divorce and see that you are fairly represented in the equitable distribution of marital property, the determination of child custody, and child support and alimony awards. Our comprehensive family law practice includes assistance with adoption, dependency/CINA issues, protective orders and domestic violence, guardianships, prenuptial agreements, paternity and more.

We help business owners deal with legal matters for the life of their business, from entity formation to contract litigation, dissolution, transfer, business succession and more.

Our real estate practice spans the field from purchase and sale closings to title disputes and landlord-tenant matters. We engage in estate planning to ensure our clients’ present and future needs are met regarding health care, financial matters, and the legacy they choose to leave.
Address 1330 Smith Ave #200
United States of America
Phone number 443-423-0548
Fax number 443-423-0543
Practice areas Business and Industry Law, Criminal Law, Family Law, Personal Injury
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Added 03:27:2018

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Latitude: 39.3684185
Longitude: -76.64984449999997

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