Description Steve Urban is a trial lawyer located in Austin, Texas who is Board Certified in Consumer and Commercial Law. Steve was originally licensed in Michigan in 1998 and in Texas in 2000. He received his Board Certification in Consumer and Commercial Law from the Texas Board of Legal Specialization in 2008.

Over the past 14 years, Steve has represented clients in matters involving injuries and death caused by car, truck and motorcycle accidents, medical malpractice and nursing home negligence, defective products, premises liability, and a host of other causes. Steve also created and maintained primary responsibility for the website, via which he counseled and represented hundreds of clients who had suffered damages at the hands of their financial advisors and stockbrokers. Steve has also successfully represented clients in numerous intellectual property and infringement disputes.
Address 1002 Rio Grande
United States of America
Phone number 512-761-8529
Fax number 512-761-7290
Practice areas Business and Industry Law, Consumer Protection, Employment Law, Insurance Law, Intellectual Property, Personal Injury, Real Estate
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Added 06:21:2012

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Latitude: 30.27413
Longitude: -97.748317

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