Description If you or a family member was injured in a car accident or through the negligence of a doctor or hospital, the consequences can be long term and debilitating. As a Southern California attorney, I’ve worked with numerous clients involving medical malpractice, personal injury and motor vehicle accidents.

Having practiced on the insurance defense side for roughly 10 years, Rohde Law Office has the experience to know what the defense is going to do before they do it, and I bring that with personalized experience to your case. Our medical malpractice & injury lawyers have served clients in Los Angeles, Orange County, San Bernardino and Riverside for over 15 years.
Address 100 N Barranca St, Suite 700
West Covina
United States of America
Phone number 626-593-5786
Practice areas Personal Injury
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Added 07:19:2017

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Latitude: 34.073089
Longitude: -117.880737

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