Description Michael Padway has been serving the motorcyclists of the Bay Area in California for more than four decades and has been riding for even longer than that. When it comes to receiving fair compensation from insurance and avoiding legal bias against bikers, Michael Padway has earned a sterling reputation as a reliable lawyer.

An expert in all things related to motorcycle accident cases, Michael Padway can help you receive the representation that you deserve if you find yourself riding in the area. Their meticulous step-by-step casework is a time-proven process that give riders the best chance in their cases.
Address 235 Montgomery St, Ste 668
San Francisco
United States of America
Phone number 415-777-1511
Practice areas Personal Injury
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5/5 based on 1 vote.
Listing views 156 listing views.
Added 03:04:2014

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Latitude: 37.7911969
Longitude: -122.4029033

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