Description Our Marital and Family Law Practice Group is a large group of highly skilled, experienced and settlement-minded attorneys. We also draw upon the resources of our Financial Analysis Support Team, which handles some or all of the financial issues in our family law cases and has within it a forensic accountant.

The size of our family law team enables us to staff your case with multiple attorneys and, when we need to, our forensic accountant. This means that we can tackle any issue with exceptional efficiency and responsiveness and that we can often do things more cost effectively than our opponents. We know when and how to be aggressive in a manner that is focused on getting a case to the finish line. We can handle any kind of a family law case, at any stage, and we make it a point to set realistic expectations at the onset of any representation.

Our comprehensive family law practice encompasses more than just divorce and associated matters. We help couples entering marriage by negotiating, drafting and reviewing prenuptial agreements. We handle cases involving allegations of drug use or alcohol abuse which could impact a parent’s relationship with minor children, and we are fully versed in the full range of LGBT family law matters. Additionally, our lawyers handle family law cases in a variety of legal settings, including collaborative law, mediation, trials and appeals.
Address 1000 West Cass Street
United States of America
Phone number 813-254-8998
Fax number 813-839-4411
Practice areas Estate Planning and Probate, Family Law
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Added 02:01:2019

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Latitude: 27.949731
Longitude: -82.469543

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