Description Patrick L. Looper, Attorney at Law, is here for you to meet your most important legal needs in family law, criminal defense, civil rights, personal injury, DUI and civil litigation. Knoxville divorce attorney Patrick Looper has 16 years in law enforcement as a state trooper and police academy instructor standing behind his more than 18 years of experience in the practice of law.

Patrick Looper knows the law, and he knows how to help people in need of protection. As someone who has served as a police academy instructor and advised other lawyers in civil rights cases, Mr. Looper has a unique perspective on the law which makes him an excellent choice to advocate for your rights and best interests in court, in mediation, and in settlement negotiations for an outstanding result.
Address 800 South Gay Street, Suite 2000
United States of America
Phone number 865-522-3616
Fax number 865-394-9833
Practice areas Family Law
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5/5 based on 1 vote.
Listing views 164 listing views.
Added 05:01:2019

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Latitude: 35.962487
Longitude: -83.916407

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