Description The Law Office of K. Gregory Gunter is committed to helping those who have sustained injuries due to a work or automobile accident.

Everyone deserves to know their rights, and we have the right people to help you get the compensation you are entitled to. The first step towards a successful claim is to consult an experienced law firm in Raleigh, NC and learn everything about your rights. So when looking for and experience lawyer, we give our clients more than just legal advice. Weather a client has been in a work accident or in an auto, car accident. We set up a game plan to help them navigate the legal system and get the compensation they need after a serious accident.
Address 4940 Windy Hill Dr #A
North Carolina
United States of America
Phone number (919) 670-1070
Practice areas Employment Law, Personal Injury
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Added 07:04:2015

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Latitude: 35.851008
Longitude: -78.60709399999996

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